Detox Check-In Half Way Through- What I Didn’t Expect Ended Up Happening!

I am finally mid-way through my detox program and wanted to share a few updated with you all on how its been going. First and foremost, who knew that you would break out so much doing a detox! But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s actually your body cleaning out the toxins that are inside, and one of the ways it does that is through breakouts on your pores. I actually haven’t been so upset to see them, and welcomed them with open arms knowing that the detox is actually doing its job. Otherwise, I feel overall pretty good and haven’t had pain, cramps or anything of that sorts. I did use the bathroom more regularly than normal, but I maybe added just one or two more trips each day. I think one of my biggest struggles have been working around the diet that is specified for this detox. I will list the food items that you’re allowed to eat and not eat so you all have a better sense of what’s expected. For example, you’re not allowed to eat dairy, seafood & wheat (bread, pasta etc.). That makes my diet very limited when going out, even to an organic restaurant. I have had to make majority of my foods at home, and with my limited list I typically stuck to only fish (salmon & tuna) rather than meat because I hadn’t pre-ordered organic and halal meat, which is the only thing you can eat. I realized though, that I had gotten myself so used to a diet that contained some form of the ingredients of wheat, dairy & sugar that when I cut them out it became difficult- although I knew it wasn’t good for you. Knowing that you should cut something out- and doing it are two completely different things, and this was the biggest indicator to me that I hadn’t done enough to limit my diet from those food items.


Can’t tell you guys how many times I craved sugar SO bad. I had been bad at eating it before, and I shared with you how I did in Kuwait- so my body is still addicted to it. I have been craving cakes, brioche bread, cinnamon rolls, lattes and so much more (this is what the fall season is about anyways, right?). But the best part about it all is that I have been in control of myself and cravings. When I crave something sweet, I will grab a fruit instead of the cake I had been eyeing (living at your parent’s could be super difficult especially in times like this). I have been sticking to this diet like no tomorrow because I really want to see the outcome of it, as well as finally clean out my system and regulate my hormones. A reset button. I really really need that.

I’ll touch base with you all again once I have completed the detox in about a week, and looking forward to sharing the final results with you all!


~Confessions of an Organic Mama~